Go from Bleeding Heart to Love Leader with the Power of Practical Dream Magic!
A Conscious Community to Love Smarter, Not Harder
What if serving a higher cause didn’t mean sacrificing yourself?
What if challenges didn’t feel so…challenging?
What if being “too sensitive” is your Super Power?
You know you’ve been Called – called to serve a cause bigger than yourself. You’ve been Called to Re-vision and Re-imagine the World.
But your sensitive, open heart and deep well of ideas makes it tough to manage your energy, resulting in big bursts of overdoing followed by exhaustion, apathy, and confusion.
It all just feels so…Big. And impossible. And scary.
What if there is another way? A more sustainable way?
A way that felt a lot more Magical?
A way you can Love Smarter, not Harder?
With Practical Dream Magic, you can:
- Amplify your Vision and Purpose for what is possible, in your own life and in the world.
- Use the wisdom and medicine of your Dreams to guide you into Right Action.
- Gather in conscious community to practice compassion, courage, and what it means to be truly connected with one another.
This 6 week online Group Program starting October 8th is for empaths and sensitives who feel stuck, overwhelmed, or exhausted by the harshness of the world we live in.
You’ll receive weekly video content designed to help you:
- Extract the wisdom, healing, and guidance in your Dreams
- Use the practice of Dreamwork to expand the power to create in your mind and Re-imagine what is possible for your life, your community, and the World
- Become versed in the language of Image and Symbol so you can Imagine bigger, better, and bolder outcomes
Every week we’ll gather in our Dream Circle via Zoom to practice compassion and courage with one another, magnify our intentions for healing, and support each other to nurture resiliency.
We get stuck and bind ourselves to the wheel of repetition, because we refuse to reimagine our situation….To address our challenges, we need to draw on extraordinary sources of information and invest our energy and attention in a form of active imagination that dares to re-vision everything.
Robert Moss
Our thoughts create our Reality. Images make up our thoughts. We can choose images that create freedom, flow, and peace in our lives!
You may say I’m a Dreamer….but I’m not the only one! I’ve got a Big Dream for me, for you and for the world. Read about it in my most recent blog post!
Imagine Bigger, Better, and Bolder
I want to show you how…
I’ve been practicing and sharing Practical Dream Magic since 2012 with tremendous results! Clients find themselves quickly transforming through emotional blocks that kept them stuck in unhealthy relationship patterns, unfulfilling jobs, and unsatisfying living.
They’ve gone from anxious and stuck to courageously engaging with the world on their terms. They’ve gone from exhaustion, cynicism, and inefficacy to sustainable vitality, vision, and creativity.
They’ve finished projects, created flow in their lives with time and money, started businesses, and healed relationships that seemed doomed.
My Private Clients are amazed at how quickly the big thoughts they dare to imagine about their lives come true.
This weekend, I got confirmation that my “big dream” will be coming true in about a month, and after that I was like…Wow, I need to learn how to dream bigger! I thought this would take years!
Catherine G.
I had been struggling with finding a purpose away from a 30+ year successful medical career, I had been taking care of my mom and dad, who were in various stages of decline during family medical leave and yet fearful of “not doing anything”, as in my mind, not working and getting paid was equivalent to doing nothing…I felt adrift and lost as much of my identity was wrapped in me doing something…
When playing with dreams with Julie, time slows, expands, and the experience I received was like viewing through the tiny prism of a kaleidoscope, and with an effortless tiny turn expanding my perspective, enlivening my view of what is possible, what is true to me.
Becca S.
Julie Balderrama is a visionary, a mystic, and a feet-on-the-ground facilitator of change. If you are willing to go, she will take you there.
Bobbi B.
So what happens when you combine the potency and insight of Dreamwork with the practical and actionable steps of coaching?
Magic, of course!
I’ll show you how to:
- Take Your Dreams Back – Curate your own Dream Symbol Dictionary based on your personal association with images and themes so you can stop searching for answers and start Trusting yourself
- Track your Dream Symbols and Waking Life signs and synchronicities to build evidence of your Creative Self and your power to create the Reality you want
- Be in conscious relationship with community – Develop and Practice Compassion, Clear Mind, and Courage for greater resilience to engage in life from a place of resourced empowerment
- Become an expert in Imagining the biggest thought you can have around what’s possible and see how quickly your world transforms.
Are you ready to Imagine Bigger, Better, and Bolder?
Here are all the Juicy Details for Imagine:
6 Week Online Group Program with Weekly Live Zooms
October 8th – November 16th
Monday Video Content Delivery
Friday Live Dream Circle at 3 pm CST – 4:30 pm CST
For a $397 investment (or 2 payments of $210) you’ll get the tools, exercises, and experiences to develop conscious community, courageous action, and extraordinary Imagination so you can EnVision and Create the life you want.
A world that celebrates an open heart.
A world that fosters deep connection and curiosity about who we really are.
A world that honors each of our authentic expressions of Self.
A world that reveres the feminine, intuition, creativity, and dreams.
A wold that liberates the masculine from the constant pressure of performance.
If we want to live in this kind of world, we can’t fight our way to it.
We have to Imagine our way.
When you click register for Imagine Bigger, Better, Bolder, you’ll also get BONUS CONTENT: my 21 Day Mindfulness Course: Find Out What You’re Made Of, valued at $150.
In any of the work I do, I start with this simple, yet powerful practice of Mindfulness. This easy, accessible, and playful mindfulness program expands your ability to extract the wisdom, guidance, and healing available to you through your Dreams and Waking Life experiences.
Click here for one payment of $397
Or here for two payments of $210
Still thinking about it?
Here’s the thing.
It’s dangerous to ignore the Call and refuse to do what you love. The longing in your heart to bring the gift into the world that only you can give? That feeling never goes away until you do it. And it finally gets more painful to resist your Calling than it is to answer it.
When the suffering and agony of staying stuck in overwhelm, cynicism, and burnout outweighs the discomfort of putting yourself out there, you’ll try again. You’ll probably do it the same way you’ve always done it – you’ll sacrifice the very best parts of yourself to serve a higher purpose. After all, that’s what we’ve all been taught.
You don’t have to repeat your patterns and end up exhausted, disillusioned, and disengaged. Again.
Join us in Imagine Bigger, Better, Bolder a Group Program in the Academy of Practical Dream Magic, and learn a better, easier, and more creative way!
Sign up today and get started immediately with my self-paced 21 Day Mindfulness program, Find Out What You’re Made Of.
Choose one payment of $397
Or two payments of $210
Do you want to get even more out of this process? Add on 6 Private Coaching session with me. Valued at $1750, I’m making these sessions available to you for an additional two payments of $297 or a total payment of $857.
With 6 bi-weekly (that’s every other week) coaching sessions, you’ll get specialized attention and guidance as you process the teaching and exercises in our Group Program, one on one Dream Coaching sessions with me, as well as a personalized and detailed plan for creating the Life you want.
Three of our hour long sessions will be during the course of the 6 week group program and 3 will follow up the program, ensuring you have the time and space to deeply integrate, implement, and gain insight to your Divine Right Action.
Still have questions or not quite convinced this is the program for you? Sign up for for a complimentary Discovery session. Let’s find out if this is a good fit for you!