The Void. The Chinese call it the Wuji. It’s that space where there is No Thing. Where labels, thoughts, and conditioned responses do not exist. Who we think we are is no longer true. The void is that space from which we are plucked – the Primordial; the place and the energy we were before we were here having an embodied experience.
It’s also that space where we are confronted with our True Nature. And because we are often uncomfortable with the feelings that lie at the threshold of discovering our True Nature, we often Avoid the Void by every means possible.
We call a friend or turn on the TV. We get on Facebook, check our email, or send a text. We read a book or listen to music. We have a glass of wine or some popcorn. We find something to DO! Clean, garden, build, hike, play, exercise, think, write, work, learn, laugh, dance, make love, pray, create, imagine, make lists, have a meeting, sleep, sing. There is always something to do. And our culture does not value the idle hands or mind.
We’ve convinced ourselves that the Void is scary. Because, for most of us, when we stop everything and just resolve to BE – a flood of unresolved issues, emotions, and thoughts rush through our system, overloading us with things to process. It can feel very overwhelming to bump up against those things that make us uncomfortable – more than uncomfortable, in fact – those things that enrage us or break our hearts wide open, leaving us a sobbing, snotty broken heap of goo on the floor.
But this isn’t the Void. This is the gateway to the Void. A gateway we must pass through to get to the Void. It’s the gauntlet we must run to make sure we really want to be in the Void, to experience ourselves again as Divine Beings.
Well who in the hell wants to pass through that kind of gateway? That sounds miserable!
And so we keep running. And doing. And avoiding.
And the Void keeps calling us home. We find that at some point, the pain of being separated from our Eternal Self, our God Self is so great that we surrender to the portal, to the pain and to the awareness of the false self we’ve created. This is a Sacred Journey – one we all get called to make. And one that will not be allow us to avoid it forever.