I am Whole and Well and Perfect, exactly the way that I am.
I don’t need to be fixed or work on myself any damn longer. I never needed to. I wasn’t broken in the first place.
I am Divine.
I am Love.
The stories in my head that used to drag me down, make me small, put me in my cage – they no longer take up residence here. I’ve shaken off all that isn’t soul.
I’m a Goddess. I’m a Wild Woman.
I’m a Fire Starter, a Wise Woman, a Healer.
I’m Light and Dark, Above and Below.
I’m a Mother and a Lover.
I’m that friend that will love all of you when you cannot love yourself.
I am No Thing. I dress myself in identity, then shed it just as easily.
I am seeking. I’m devoted to curiosity.
I experimenting. I’m learning to love the mess and the chaos.
I’m snuggling up with not knowing and surrendering to the mystery.
I’m leaping before I look and I’m trusting process over product.
I believe in some things more than others, but nothing unconditionally.
I sojourn with possibility.
I am a Dreamer.
I plumb the depths of my subconscious and agree to be shamelessly intimate with psyche.
I agree to live with the Questions my dreams bring me, rather than seeking someone’s else’s answers.
I create a sanctuary for my bliss, for the part of me that abides always in Love.
I am a DreamWeaver.
I weave the Questions into Waking Life and revel in the felt shift of consciousness, bringing me closer to Home:
That space where I know I AM Love
Everything else is an illusion.
I want to know and love each part of me.
I want to integrate them back into the whole.
I want to embrace my shame, my anger, my fear, and grief.
I seek to express my Divine Self
Rather than the looped story of my trauma.
I am Untamed.
I laugh loudly. I love fiercely.
I yell, I scream, I cry.
I dance with abandon, feeling the movement inhabit each cell of my being.
I step into the fire to find out what I’m made of.
I rock the boat. I watch it all fall apart.
I break my heart wide open and own my tender vulnerability.
I will not be subdued.
I am no longer content to be manageable.
I will not dim my light to make myself more palatable.
I will not muzzle my voice, my thoughts, my body, my sex, my soul, or my love.
I will not hide my grief or my passion, my anger or my joy.
I will not temper my expression, nor contain my Self.
I give a fuck.
I’m discerning about the fucks I give.
I don’t waste them on judgement or what other people think of me. That’s none of my business.
I give a fuck about how my body feels. How I nurture myself. What my heart desires.
I give a fuck about How I show up in the world.
I give a fuck about making this world a better place for all living beings.
I will Live Out Loud. I will shine. I will be free. And I will Love mightily.
I am unashamed.
I tell you truly: I love all that I AM. Exactly the way that I am. This love is Sacred and I vow to honor it all the days of my life. I will howl it from my soul to my heart when my head forgets.
I love Myself.
I love my Body.
I love my emotions, my intellect, and my intuition.
I love my Shadow and my Light.
I love by Good Girl and my Bad Girl.
I love my Victim and my Warrior.
I love my Higher Self and My Lower Self.
I love my stillness and my movement.
I love my discipline and my indulgences.
I love pleasure. And I’m trying to love the pain.
I am remembering how to love those parts of me that feel dark, shameful, wrong, ugly, and loathsome.
I will not shrink from this Sacred Journey inward. I will shed each layer of illusion as I trek further into the underworld – the unknown parts of myself – just as the Heroines who have come before me have done since the beginning of time.
I bravely and tenaciously call back those parts of my soul flung into my past.
I sing a tender soul song of home and belonging to them, to love them back into Wholeness once again.
I will embrace conflict as a path toward growth.
I will stand before what scares me.
I will speak up though my voice shakes.
I will ask questions, I will stir things up, I will call you out, and I will unflinchingly hold a space for all the chaos to happen in its perfect timing.
Through it all, I will love myself.
Exactly as I AM.
I will continue to show up for my life.
To enlist myself as a co-creator in this beautiful, dangerous assignment called Life.
I may be exhausted.
I may howl my frustrations to the sky.
I may weep and I may be terrified.
I may even look away sometimes.
This journey may be awkward, it may be uncomfortable, and it may feel at times like I’m dying.
But I will show up – and I will love myself through each Divinely human moment.